Who is a Creative Jammer
Many people say, “No”, when they are asked if they are an artist. You don’t have to be an artist to join us. The Creative Jam welcomes all types of creativity. See if your brand of creative is on this list. If it is, then- WELCOME!
Do you:
- Paint (paper, rocks, books, toys, wood, clothing- anything that will stand still)
- Draw, doodle, create anime, manga or comics, do CAD work, graphic design or architecture
- Knit, crochet, sew, cross-stitch, embroider, do applique, tatting, crewelwork, felting, macrame
- Make jewelry or beadwork pieces
- Quill, create popup cards/books, make origami, scrapbook, papercut, Chinese paper folding
- Create mixed-media, collage, or otherwise use paste, a glue gun or tape to make stuff
- Whittle or carve
- Create digital videos, photographs, NFTs, etc
- Write poetry, prose, plays, films, songs
- Perform the words you (or others) have written
- Perform an instrument, comedy, improv or storytelling
- Take and/or edit photographs
- Upcycle clothes, containers, or other ‘stuff’
- Reimagine… almost anything into SOMETHING else?
- Some other creative effort not listed? Tell us at creativejamspace@gmail.com and we may add it to our list!
So, you can see there are many ways to be CREATIVE.
Which one of these statements is (actually) ALWAYS TRUE about creative people (careful, this is tricky 😊):
- They are all well-known for their work (they are, in fact, a household name)
- They get featured (a lot) in galleries. In fact, galleries seek them out and beg them to show their work.
- Their name is celebrated (with awe and admiration) in the art community.
- They sell their work (and they make a lot of money. Their work has a lot of zeros on the price tag).
- They create.

Did you choose the last one?
Yes! That’s it! The other statements COULD BE true, but the last one is the only one that is ALWAYS TRUE about being creative. There are a lot (a LOT!) of people who make stuff.
So, claim it! You are a creative person. You could also say you are an ARTIST. And if that feels weird to say, ok, call yourself a CREATIVE. We like that, too.
We’ll Help You Feel Comfortable
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Jennifer Lee
Ignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi. sint occaecatii gnissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium.
George Gordon
Ignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi. sint occaecatii gnissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium.
Linda Moore
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